以上是一個在我還小的時候就認識的朋友給我留的話. 你們知道我對任何跟過去美麗的時光有關的東西總是無法抗拒. 我會不能自拔地陷入回憶的陷阱.
我跟這個朋友一起經歷了她從少女蛻變成為一個媽媽的過程. 有時候我在離她很靠近的地方, 有時候我在遠遠的地方. 看見她現在的樣子, 我沒有太多的想法. 我希望她是快樂的.
我已經長大了. 在我還來不及回神的時候我就已經32歲了. 我知道你會覺得不可思議, 很多以前的朋友都是這樣覺得的. 我過得不錯, 以前沒有跟你們一起白混了. 你們的精神一直跟著我到現在. 只是現在比以前更加懂得感性, 也更加唾棄自己的感性.
今年我見到小虹, 她說:"你真的是一個大人了." 月圓說我不再是以前那個'我最大'的人了.
Facebook had connected me back to so many old friends. My secondary school mates, my college mates and most of all a group of very special and important friends.
When i was 15, i spent most of my time not with my school mates but a group of friends who are much older than me. Youngest among them was 21yo by then. They are all artists in some ways. They are painters, writers, actors, they draw comic and etc. They were all young and full of dreams. They were so passionate in everything they do. Everybody are so gifted.
15 years after that, we are who we are now.
I was so lucky by then. I was the youngest and everybody treated me really good. Few years after we first met, we went on to pursue our own path and we hardly contacted each other. Thanks to facebook and the world of blogging. In some way, we are reconnected.
Those beautiful days had followed me wherever i go. I have so much to tell them. I want to tell them every single experience i had for the past 10 years. I know that they will still love me no matter what.
Thanks to time. Thanks to love. Thanks to the universe.
以上是一個在我還小的時候就認識的朋友給我留的話. 你們知道我對任何跟過去美麗的時光有關的東西總是無法抗拒. 我會不能自拔地陷入回憶的陷阱.
我跟這個朋友一起經歷了她從少女蛻變成為一個媽媽的過程. 有時候我在離她很靠近的地方, 有時候我在遠遠的地方. 看見她現在的樣子, 我沒有太多的想法. 我希望她是快樂的.
我已經長大了. 在我還來不及回神的時候我就已經32歲了. 我知道你會覺得不可思議, 很多以前的朋友都是這樣覺得的. 我過得不錯, 以前沒有跟你們一起白混了. 你們的精神一直跟著我到現在. 只是現在比以前更加懂得感性, 也更加唾棄自己的感性.
今年我見到小虹, 她說:"你真的是一個大人了." 月圓說我不再是以前那個'我最大'的人了.
Facebook had connected me back to so many old friends. My secondary school mates, my college mates and most of all a group of very special and important friends.
When i was 15, i spent most of my time not with my school mates but a group of friends who are much older than me. Youngest among them was 21yo by then. They are all artists in some ways. They are painters, writers, actors, they draw comic and etc. They were all young and full of dreams. They were so passionate in everything they do. Everybody are so gifted.
15 years after that, we are who we are now.
I was so lucky by then. I was the youngest and everybody treated me really good. Few years after we first met, we went on to pursue our own path and we hardly contacted each other. Thanks to facebook and the world of blogging. In some way, we are reconnected.
Those beautiful days had followed me wherever i go. I have so much to tell them. I want to tell them every single experience i had for the past 10 years. I know that they will still love me no matter what.
Thanks to time. Thanks to love. Thanks to the universe.

dougie darlinggg,
i am HAPPY you are goin to write in English....yay!!! another blog for me to catch!!!
miss u dah-ling....
wow,,, thanks dear Ms.Firefly...
miss u too...
by the way, why u sound so "girl"....
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