

我刚从警局报案出来。事因我刚被四个持刀的印度人打劫,我的人没事,只是手机,提款卡和现金被拿走,我要求劫匪把手机Sim card还我,他们照做了。如果你接到我的手机传出的whatsapp, wechat或line message请不要回复。如果有事找你,我会亲自拨电话给你。如果有事找我,请直接打电话给我。I was robbed awhile ago, pls do not reply to any whatsapp, wechat or line message that was by my number. Pls call me directly if you need to talk to me. 大家真的要小心,我肥到像猪也会被打劫。看来没有人不会被打劫了。大家上下车要特别小心了。


昨晚大约9.40pm,我到Titiwangsa LRT等朋友。我停了车看见附近有小贩什么的,就下车抽烟(这就是我心存侥幸之举)。一下车就有四个明目张胆地握着菜刀身材高大且口音明显是外劳的印度人/Bangladeshi/之类的人出现。他们先把我的双手用布条绑紧,然后把我推进车里。我想说我一进到车里我就更少逃脱的机会,于是我企图跟他们说话拖延时间。他们把我包围,菜刀指向我。一人用菜刀堵住我的嘴。我乖乖就范。他们一人在车外看守,一人坐进前座,一人从前面握刀,另一人从后面把我压着。进了车里还把我的眼睛用布蒙上。前面的人应该是翻了我的车一遍,因为CD之类的被丢得乱七八糟。还开了车后厢检查。同时,另一人找出我的钱包和手机。


临走前,他们说:"i will take your phone"。 我说:“ok but can i have my sim card back?”。他们说:“ok,u want just the sim card or u want the memory card also?”。我说:"my phone no memory card." 那时我有觉得好笑。之后的那一刻更好笑。挟持我的两人一起倒数,一人把我手上的布解开,一人把我眼睛的布解开,一人一边的离开了我的车。


This was what happened. I was waiting for my friend at LRT Titiwangsa at around 9.40pm last night. After i stopped my car, i saw there were hawkers and some people around so i decided to leave my car and have a cigarette. Out of nowhere, four Indian/Bangladeshi with chopping knives appeared. They tied my hand with cloth and then force me into the back seat. I was trying to make noise but they were forcing the knife towards me.Once i got into the car, they covered my eyes.

They checked every corner of my car and took my wallet. They asked me for my atm pin. I told them i will be cooperative and let's go to the bank together. They refused. I told them my pin and two of them left. There were phone conversation when i was held in my car. They were speaking in a language that i couldn't understand. Their accent sounded foreign.

After awhile one of the robber received a phone call. I guess it was from the other robber who went to the nearby atm machine. On the count of three, one robber untied my hand and the other one untied my eyes.

I am safe. It was 10.01pm. The lesson is, thing like this happen anytime anywhere. I was not alone and i was not at a dark or isolated place. The robbers, they simply are not afraid of anything anymore.


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