

現在, 就讓我好好地看著自己的情感決堤. 然後以另外一個自己狠狠地唾棄我. 我緩緩地抬起頭, 抹去臉上所有的痕跡. 我對自己說,

我就是這樣. 我也沒有辦法.


我愛你. 愛這段得來不易的情感. 所以我恨你, 因為你將我從高處重重摔了下來. 你讓我失去了信任的勇氣.

你背判我並不是因為你不愛我. 只是因為你需要這麼做.


a: i want to break up with you but you do know that i love you right?

b: then why do you want to break up with me?

a: i feel that sometimes you don't understand me.

b: i don't understand why you are doing this now so yes i think i don't understand you.


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